Angel A.R.T. Auction 2023
John S. Knight Center • Akron, Ohio

I was privileged to donate a painting, "Intuition," to the 2023 Andrea Rose Teodosio Foundation Angel A.R.T. Auction, which took place at the John S. Knight Center in Akron, Ohio on Feb. 2, 2023.
Andrea was the daughter of my friend and high school classmate, Linda Tucci Teodosio, and her husband, Tom. Her life was tragically cut short in a skiing accident in 2011, leaving a void in her family and the community.
The Teodosios established a foundation in her memory to assist charitable causes in the Akron area, and the art auction soon became a major event on the city's social calendar.
I was honored to contribute in a small way to the gala and the outstanding work the foundation continues to do in Andrea's memory.

Inside the John S. Knight Center
With Linda
"Intuition," 24" x 30" acrylic on canvas